news studentsite

Jumat, 09 Maret 2012

my school and campus

My school and campus

Hello i’m indri.......!!!!!
Now  i’m a student at gunadarma university in kalimalang,Bekasi. I’m student of management at gunadarma university. i’m a student in class 1ea24 in gunadarma university. i’m student in economic faculty. Why i choose gunadarma university ? because my campus near from my home,my campus is so strategis from my home. Why i choose management ? because i want to be a manager in the company.

Before i’m study in gunadarma university. i study in 30 shs in jakarta.  My senior high school is so far from my I went to school by motorcycle with my father or my brother. Why motorcycle i choose?besauce i  won’t come late in my school.  Before that i’m study in 13 junior high school. My school is near from my home. I went to school by bikecycle or on foot. And before i study in 13 jhs, i school in 4 elementary school. My elementary school is very near from my home. Because my school near from my home,i go to school on foot with my friend. That’s my school and campus. The place for me study and i find my friend and best friend

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